1.) "To forget a friend is sad. Not everyone has a friend. And if I forget him, I may be like the grown ups who are no longer interested in anything but figures"
I think this is saying that not everyone has friends, and when someone forgets about their friends they don't realize what they are forgetting because of how people get caught up in their day to day lives and what they need to do, and forgetting about them is something that is easier to do when you get older and have more responsibilities.
2.) "But the conceited man did not hear him. Conceited people never hear anything but praise"
I can see how this would be true because conceited people only care about themselves and usually have a big ego, and when conceited people get compliments it usually only makes it worse because they like to hear what they think is true from other people too.
3.) "What makes the desert beautiful, said the little prince, is that somewhere it hides a well"
I think this is a way of learning how no matter where you are or what circumstances you are in, there is always a positive side to things, it is just up to you to find out what those things are. In the book, the pilot would have never guessed that because he was not the kind of person to think like that, so I think it is also important to be the type of person who sees the good outcome in everything and I think that also gives you a reason to get through whatever you are in.
4.) "But the eyes are blind, one must look with the heart"
I think this quote is saying that what you see is only what is on the outside and you can't see everything just by looking, you have to go by what your heart says and follow it because that is the only way you will truly find happiness.
5.) "No one is ever satisfied with where he is"
I think this is very true and I can relate to it. People are never satisfied what what they have or what they have done, but I think that is good because it makes them want to do more to be better so they can be satisfied with themselves and what they have.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Softball Game
First Person
The bases where loaded, two outs, and it was our last at bat. I had two strikes on me. This was the biggest game of the season, I felt no pressure, I just wanted to hit the ball. I stayed relaxed as the pitch came, I watched the ball come in, it looked perfect. I took a hard cut at the ball and watched the ball leave the field. That was the game, we had won!!
Third Person Limited
She stepped into the batters box with two outs. The bases where loaded. I knew this girl had to feel so much pressure to get a hit to win the game. The crowd was going wild, and I was trying not to watch as the pitch came, I was too nervous. I heard the crack of the bat, and the crowd went wild! They had won the game!
Third Person Knowing
She stepped into the batters box with two outs and the bases loaded. She had two strikes on her now. I knew all she wanted to do was get the winning hit since this was the biggest game of the season and they where down by two. This was the moment she had been waiting for, to be the one with the game winning hit. As the pitch came in, I watched her focus on the ball. She took a hard cut at the ball, and she watched as it left the park, she had just got the game winning hit!
The bases where loaded, two outs, and it was our last at bat. I had two strikes on me. This was the biggest game of the season, I felt no pressure, I just wanted to hit the ball. I stayed relaxed as the pitch came, I watched the ball come in, it looked perfect. I took a hard cut at the ball and watched the ball leave the field. That was the game, we had won!!
Third Person Limited
She stepped into the batters box with two outs. The bases where loaded. I knew this girl had to feel so much pressure to get a hit to win the game. The crowd was going wild, and I was trying not to watch as the pitch came, I was too nervous. I heard the crack of the bat, and the crowd went wild! They had won the game!
Third Person Knowing
She stepped into the batters box with two outs and the bases loaded. She had two strikes on her now. I knew all she wanted to do was get the winning hit since this was the biggest game of the season and they where down by two. This was the moment she had been waiting for, to be the one with the game winning hit. As the pitch came in, I watched her focus on the ball. She took a hard cut at the ball, and she watched as it left the park, she had just got the game winning hit!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Eva Inside Her Cat
I think the title of this story does not really connect to the story in a few ways. At the end of the story Eva dies and it talks about her being some place, and it describes smells and sites she sees. Since she is dead at the end of the story when all of this is being described, I think that Eva is only inside her cat in spirit not physically. It is still hard to believe that though with the evidence we are givin in the story. It seems like she is only there in her head and when she dies.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Metamorphosis 3
Leia couldn't be happier on this island she woke up in. It was like her life was at peace now with nothing to worry about, no job to keep up with or have to be at all the time. She now had all the time in the world to herself. This was something she had never experienced before, so Leia was enjoying every minute of it. Taking long walks in the mornings on the beach and watching the sun come up, hanging out with some friends she had made on the island at night. It was like she was in control of whatever she wanted to do, and that was all she ever wanted. And it was even better than she imagined.
Leia decided that she didn't want to go back to her life in New York. She wanted to live on this island forever. She couldn't imagine going back to that kind of lifestyle now that she had been on the island for about a month. She had just got a house on the island to live in. It was very nice with a ocean view from her bedroom window. But Leia still felt like something was missing, she wanted to share all of this happiness with someone else. Right now though Leia was taking life day by day and not in a hurry to share her life with someone else, because that was all she use to do, and she loved the idea of doing whatever she wanted because she had never done that before, that is why she loved the island and she couldn't be happier she woke up that morning there.
Leia decided that she didn't want to go back to her life in New York. She wanted to live on this island forever. She couldn't imagine going back to that kind of lifestyle now that she had been on the island for about a month. She had just got a house on the island to live in. It was very nice with a ocean view from her bedroom window. But Leia still felt like something was missing, she wanted to share all of this happiness with someone else. Right now though Leia was taking life day by day and not in a hurry to share her life with someone else, because that was all she use to do, and she loved the idea of doing whatever she wanted because she had never done that before, that is why she loved the island and she couldn't be happier she woke up that morning there.
Metamorphosis 2
Leia came home one night from a long day at work, she was exhausted and needed to sit down and rest for a little bit. She took her shoes off and turned the TV on to the news station, and before she realized it she had fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning Leia woke up realizing she was an hour late for work, again. She knew her boss would not be happy with her since this was the second time she had been late in the past two weeks. It wouldn't surprise her if her boss fired her when she got to work. But Leia could care less right now, her job was controlling her life and she realized that working for the newspaper was not what she wanted to spend the rest of her life doing.
When Leia rushed out the door to go to work, she was shocked with what she seen. Where was she? She thought. She must still be dreaming. She went back inside again, and came back out. It was real. She was no longer in New York City. She now found herself staring at a beautiful ocean and palm trees. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Leia started to walk down the beach, it was so peaceful to her to take a walk and not hear sirens, and it was a big relief to her to not be at work either. She still didn't know how this happend, or why. But she couldn't be happier that it did.
The next morning Leia woke up realizing she was an hour late for work, again. She knew her boss would not be happy with her since this was the second time she had been late in the past two weeks. It wouldn't surprise her if her boss fired her when she got to work. But Leia could care less right now, her job was controlling her life and she realized that working for the newspaper was not what she wanted to spend the rest of her life doing.
When Leia rushed out the door to go to work, she was shocked with what she seen. Where was she? She thought. She must still be dreaming. She went back inside again, and came back out. It was real. She was no longer in New York City. She now found herself staring at a beautiful ocean and palm trees. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Leia started to walk down the beach, it was so peaceful to her to take a walk and not hear sirens, and it was a big relief to her to not be at work either. She still didn't know how this happend, or why. But she couldn't be happier that it did.
Metamorphosis 1
Leia works for a newspaper company from New York City. She is 23 years old and she just graduated college and bought her own apartment in downtown New York City. Her job is very demanding and stressful since it is the biggest newspaper company in the country. Even though working for this newspaper company is her dream job and it is all she has ever wanted to do since she was a little kid in second grade, sometimes she wishes she could have a break from her stressful life and get to do things she wants to do for once. Like explore the world, go on a vacation and maybe find a boyfriend because she is tired of living by herself, but with this job she has no other choice but to be by herself because her job is so demanding it gives her no time to herself. All she wants is something to change in her life to make her happy.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Avant Garde Movements
Avant Garde began in France in 1850, and it means "advanced guard". Avant Garde work pushes the known boundaries of acceptable art sometimes with revolutionary, cultural, or political implications. The first avant garde artist was Courbet, he was the first to describe himself as part of the avant garde movement. The artist of this movement desired not only to challenge traditional art but also society as a whole. These artist aimed at tearing down the status quo.
Optical Art (or OP Art) became the most famous in America in the 1960s, it is comprised of illusions, and often appears to the human eye to be moving due to its precise, mathematically-based composition. Op Art takes a great deal of math, planning and technical skill.
Yaacov Agam, Frank Stella, and Kenneth Noland where some of the artist who influenced the Op Art movement.

The term Pop-Art was invented in Britain by Lawrence Alloway in 1955, to describe a new form of popular art. Pop Art emerged in New York and London during the mid-1950s and became the dominate avant-garde style until the late 1960s. It was one of the biggest art movements of the twentieth century and is characterized by themes and techniques drawn from popular mass culture, such as television, movies, advertising and comic books.
Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, and Roy Lichtenstien are some of the famous pop art artist of that time.

Yaacov Agam, Frank Stella, and Kenneth Noland where some of the artist who influenced the Op Art movement.

The term Pop-Art was invented in Britain by Lawrence Alloway in 1955, to describe a new form of popular art. Pop Art emerged in New York and London during the mid-1950s and became the dominate avant-garde style until the late 1960s. It was one of the biggest art movements of the twentieth century and is characterized by themes and techniques drawn from popular mass culture, such as television, movies, advertising and comic books.
Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, and Roy Lichtenstien are some of the famous pop art artist of that time.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
National Eating Disorder
I think that in America, there are more eating disorders than in any other country. America has so many fast food chains that people go to everyday and a lot of people use that fast food as a comfort food. In the Omnivore's Delimia, it talks about how the convince of fast food, fast and easy to get, and how many people use it as a reward system for kids, or use it just to be happy, but not realizing the consequences over time. I think people should be more health consence and be more aware of what they are eating, and eating disorders would not be a problem. Most eating disorders occur with other mental disorders such as depression, substance abuse, and anxiety disorders. The three most common eating disorders are: anorexia, nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. Research shows that more than 90 percent of people who have eating disorders are women between the ages of 12 and 25. But there is a increasing number of older women and men who have these disorders, and thousands of boys are also effected by these eating disorders. www.mentalhealth.gov
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