Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Little Prince Quotes

1.) "To forget a friend is sad. Not everyone has a friend. And if I forget him, I may be like the grown ups who are no longer interested in anything but figures"

I think this is saying that not everyone has friends, and when someone forgets about their friends they don't realize what they are forgetting because of how people get caught up in their day to day lives and what they need to do, and forgetting about them is something that is easier to do when you get older and have more responsibilities.

2.) "But the conceited man did not hear him. Conceited people never hear anything but praise"

I can see how this would be true because conceited people only care about themselves and usually have a big ego, and when conceited people get compliments it usually only makes it worse because they like to hear what they think is true from other people too.

3.) "What makes the desert beautiful, said the little prince, is that somewhere it hides a well"

I think this is a way of learning how no matter where you are or what circumstances you are in, there is always a positive side to things, it is just up to you to find out what those things are. In the book, the pilot would have never guessed that because he was not the kind of person to think like that, so I think it is also important to be the type of person who sees the good outcome in everything and I think that also gives you a reason to get through whatever you are in.

4.) "But the eyes are blind, one must look with the heart"

I think this quote is saying that what you see is only what is on the outside and you can't see everything just by looking, you have to go by what your heart says and follow it because that is the only way you will truly find happiness.

5.) "No one is ever satisfied with where he is"

I think this is very true and I can relate to it. People are never satisfied what what they have or what they have done, but I think that is good because it makes them want to do more to be better so they can be satisfied with themselves and what they have.

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